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yoga teachers holding hands while performing a quad stretch pose
About Us

Our Story

At Pink Moon Yoga & Wellness, we hope that joining our community will challenge you to aspire for self-love  and nurture your mind, body and spirit, and we will be here every step of the way to guide you through this rejuvenating practice, no matter where you are in your journey.


Pink Moon Yoga and Wellness adopted its name from the full moon that graces our presence in the month of April, in celebration of Spring, the season of rejuvenation. Spiritually, the Pink Moon signifies rebirth and renewal. After a long, dark winter, the revival of the color pink is a refreshing dose of beauty and happiness. The Pink Moon is a reminder that life is merely a cycle, one in which we experience both hibernation and reawakening. Spring's beauty may disappear for a time, but it always returns, more beautiful than ever before, its vibrant colors appreciated in a new light.


We want you to know that every body is welcome, no matter your size, shape, age, gender, or identity. We offer classes for all levels, beginners and advanced yogis included. We strongly believe in the importance of honoring yourself on your mat, respecting those around you, and accepting each other wholeheartedly. Each teacher has a unique approach and a personal touch they express in their teaching techniques that gives you a diverse learning experience. Our Studio offers more than just a yoga class, it’s an experience; a connection to Self- mind, body and spirit. Between well thought out sequences, lighting, and music, we hope to create a home for you to be uniquely YOU.


So if you are looking for a studio to begin or continue your practice, look no further. We are elated to welcome you with open arms to Pink Moon Yoga & Wellness, where we will encourage you to let yoga lead your way to self discovery, while helping create balance and peace in your life. We will be here for you through the ups and downs, the hibernation and reawakening. Welcome home yogi.



Sarah, yoga teacher, co-founder of Pin Moon Yoga & Wellness
Sarah Giberson

Envisioning her yoga practice as nothing more than a stepping stone to jump-starting a rigorous fitness routine, Sarah’s journey to health and wellness turned into a way of life. With graduate school, love & marriage, and “nesting” all taking precedence over her once active lifestyle, Sarah found herself both blissful and dejected--successful in her learning endeavors and happy in her humble abode, yet lacking the physical and mental strength she once celebrated. After just a few sessions on the mat, Sarah realized that yoga was not simply a workout, but a gift with incredible healing potential for the mind and body.


Compelled to share it with others, Sarah went on to pursue her 200HR yoga teacher training and continues to participate in continuing education opportunities that allow her to broaden her understanding of anatomy & physiology as well as the more spiritual side of yoga. Sarah is currently pursuing her 500HR certification with Yoga Alliance, as well as a 100HR certification in Ashtanga. Additional certifications include Science of Exercise from University of Colorado Boulder and Engineering Health: An Introduction to Yoga & Physiology from NYU. Sarah is also an AFPA certified instructor in Mat Pilates and a certified CPD Accredited Barre Belle instructor. On the spiritual side of things, she is a certified Level 2 White Light Reiki practitioner and dabbles with the magic of Tarot.


Sarah is an animal lover and passionate about the equity and inclusion of all people. Aside from her practice, she worships the sun & the water, loves to jet-set with her hubby, friends, and family, and exercises her eye for design & creativity!

Jack, certified personal trainer at Pink Moon Yoga & Wellness
Jack VanSchoick
Certified Personal Trainer

Whether he’s playing rugby in New Zealand, free-diving in Belize, or surfing on the Jersey Shore, Jack knows that a healthy mind and body are essential to maintain his adventurous lifestyle. As an undergraduate student, Jack spent his time studying and conducting research on physiology and wellness. After graduating from Boston University with a degree in Biology, Jack knew that it was time for a change. He wanted to transition away from research and take a more active role in helping others improve their lives.


After graduating from Boston University Jack moved back to the Jersey Shore, where he obtained his USSF coaching certification and Safesport certification, and built a successful soccer training business. Through this endeavor, Jack found that he enjoyed training others and helping individuals achieve their fitness and performance goals. This led him to earn his NASM Personal Trainer certification--and to Pink Moon Yoga and Wellness. Every session with Jack is challenging, high-energy, and fun. Whether you’re looking to increase performance, hit your goal weight, or get in shape, Jack is committed to helping you achieve your fitness and wellness goals. 


When he is not training others or working on his own fitness, Jack enjoys surfing, snowboarding, playing soccer and rugby, and traveling with friends. He is heavily involved in marine ecology and conservation, and he can play one and a half songs on the ukulele.

Danielle, yoga teacher, co-founder of Pink Moon Yoga & Wellness
Danielle Gregor

Looking for a different type of workout after multiple knee surgeries, Danielle took her first yoga class in 2007, when beginning her undergraduate education. From the moment she stepped on her mat, she felt a sense of peace and connection to herself that she never expected, yoga quickly became her way of life. Danielle is now an experienced, certified 200HR Yoga Teacher and has completed numerous additional training certificates. Presently, Danielle is working toward completing her 500HR Vinyasa and 100HR Ashtanga training with the Pink Moon women! She also holds a multidisciplinary PHD in Cell Biology, Neuroscience and Physiology and is the founder of Bay House Garden and co-founder of Pink Moon Yoga and Wellness.


Danielle loves learning and has continued to be a diligent student herself so she can share her new experiences in practice with her students. To deepen her traditional yoga practice she is also a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and AFPA certified Mat Pilates instructor, she even plays the crystal bowls and harmonium. She has completed courses in meditation, chakra work, crystals, prenatal yoga, the art of Tarot, holistic nutrition, Ayurveda and TCM, to name a few. Danielle enjoys leading  fluid, organic classes with a focus on breath, safe alignment, and gentle but strong sequencing. She designs her classes to be a positive and encouraging environment, hoping  her students leave class feeling relaxed and stretched with open hearts. It is her mission to encourage you to honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within yourself.


When she’s not teaching yoga, Danielle works as a Clinical Application Manager, working with doctors to help patients receive personalized medicine. She loves spending time with her friends and family (and dog!). Aside from yoga, her favorite hobbies include cooking/baking, hiking, paddle boarding, camping, traveling and scuba-diving.

Jenny, yoga teacher, certified yoga instructor
Jenny Peña
Certified Yoga Instructor

Searching for stress relief, Jenny discovered yoga while raising two daughters and spending many years as an elementary school counselor in underprivileged schools. A longtime devotee of meditation, she attended a weekend mindfulness retreat, where she first experienced the joy and power of yoga. Jenny was almost instantly struck by the way that yoga heals from within. She was especially drawn to the body/mind/spirit connection that yoga provides. Within a few months, she was a daily practitioner.


Since then, Jenny has completed her 200HR yoga teacher training, during an extraordinary experience at the Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico. She is also certified in Reiki Level 1 and Level 2. Jenny believes in creating a loving, empowering yoga environment for her students. Her goal is to help her students recognize and develop their inner light, wisdom and peace.


Jenny enjoys living near the ocean, traveling, hiking, spending time with her husband, friends and family and continuing her lifelong journey toward living a mindful, meaningful life.

Peggy, yoga teacher, co-founder of Pink Moon Yoga & Wellness
Peg Rossi

Looking for a better stretching routine to complement her running regime, Peggy instantly recognized the countless healing benefits yoga had to offer her mind and body. After successfully completing her first half marathon in 2012, she realized that first yoga class had taken her so much further than  she ever would have imagined. While learning and growing on her mat, she began to find room in her life for other forms of fitness that she never explored before. She loved the mind body connection of Pilates and working the small muscle groups; the building blocks, so she completed a certification in mat Pilates through AAAI/ISMA in 2017 and The Physical Mind Institute in 2018.  She earned her 200HR Vinyasa Yoga certification in 2019 and continued her fitness education by completing both the spin and personal training certification through AAAI/ISMA in 2020.


She continues to study and practice with instructors from around the world to further her education and share her knowledge with her students and is working toward becoming a 500HR certified yoga teacher with an additional 100HRs in Ashtanga. She creates a safe, non-competitive space for her students to learn and grow and find deeper meaning and inspiration in their practice. 


Her classes offer creative sequences, emphasizing the importance of mind body connection, proper alignment, pranayama breathing techniques, mindfulness and mediation. Modification and advanced options are made available for new and experienced students so that all can reach their potential. She is honored to teach Pilates, yoga and HIIT, helping to bring balance, awareness, health and happiness into other’s lives. She enjoys her active lifestyle with her husband and 3 children, who inspire her everyday. 

Erin Howard
Certified Yoga Instructor

Looking to find a new exercise outlet after her athletic pursuits came to an end, Erin began her yoga practice never expecting the journey that would follow. At first, yoga was just a way to remain physically fit, but it soon came to be something much more. Meeting herself on her mat gave Erin an opportunity to learn things about herself that she never even knew to pay attention to in the past.


Her mat and her practice became a haven of sorts where she could both learn about herself and grow into a better version of herself with each flow. After graduating college in the midst of a pandemic, Erin took the opportunity to follow a dream of being able to share the gift of yoga with others. After completing her 200hr training, Erin went on to teach in the Hudson County area, but more recently felt called back to the beach where she spends much of her time when not in the studio. Erin approaches teaching as an opportunity to guide her students in a journey of self discovery through the healing powers of movement and music. Encouraging her students to move like themselves and finding what feels good, her classes offer a lot of creativity. Aside from yoga and the beach, Erin loves music, reading and anything outdoors.

Yin Yoga
Jennifer Chang
Certified Yoga Instructor

Having worked in the health and healing profession for over 20 years, as an advanced Yoga and Meditation teacher, Occupational Therapist, and a board-certified Polarity Therapy Practitioner, Jennifer is always in awe of the body with its innate unbound potential. Jennifer’s teachings incorporate personal experience, and knowledge and techniques drawn from over 2000+ hours of training to facilitate physical and energetic alignment towards a state of homeostasis and health. Sattva.


Jennifer enjoys combining the more vigorous Vinyasa Flow and the quieter Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga to create a unique practice that works to release fascial, mental, and emotional tension, promote flexibility, focus the mind, and calm the nervous system. She loves witnessing her new students experience these benefits for the first time in her class!


“Yin and Meditate” is a newly designed class perfect for those wanting to learn how to meditate and reap all its benefits. In Yin and Meditate, Jennifer will gently guide her student to tap into an inner calm—a resource that, with consistent practice, could be accessible off the mat for easeful living. A life with less experience of stress and anxiety is just a practice away.


Jennifer moved to Brick, NJ from Park Slope, Brooklyn in 2019 to marry her husband, who is a native to the Shore and a percussionist extraordinaire. She loves life at the Jersey Shore and enjoys very much the opportunity to garden, stroll on the beach, and host deck parties!

Our Yoga Family

Sarah Giberson
Owner & Co-Founder / Teacher

Envisioning her yoga practice as nothing more than a stepping stone to jump-starting a rigorous fitness routine, Sarah’s journey to health and wellness turned into a way of life. With graduate school, love & marriage, and “nesting” all taking precedence over her once active lifestyle, Sarah found herself both blissful and dejected--successful in her learning endeavors and happy in her humble abode, yet lacking the physical and mental strength she once celebrated. After just a few sessions on the mat, Sarah realized that yoga was not simply a workout, but a gift with incredible healing potential for the mind and body.


Compelled to share it with others, Sarah went on to pursue her 200HR yoga teacher training and continues to participate in continuing education opportunities that allow her to broaden her understanding of anatomy & physiology as well as the more spiritual side of yoga. Sarah is currently pursuing her 500HR certification with Yoga Alliance, as well as a 100HR certification in Ashtanga. Additional certifications include Science of Exercise from University of Colorado Boulder and Engineering Health: An Introduction to Yoga & Physiology from NYU. Sarah is also an AFPA certified instructor in Mat Pilates, trained in Pilates Suspension Method, Balanced Body Reformer, and Barre Belle. On the spiritual side of things, she is a certified Level 2 White Light Reiki practitioner and dabbles with the magic of Tarot & sound healing.


Sarah is an animal lover and passionate about the equity and inclusion of all people. Aside from her practice, she worships the sun & the water, loves to jet-set with her hubby, friends, and family, and exercises her eye for design & creativity!

Yoga picture.heic
Stephanie Hoff
Yoga Teacher

Health and wellness have always been a part of Stephanie’s life, and seven years ago, when she was pregnant with her first child, she fell in love with yoga. She loved moving her body in a way that flowed naturally. Yoga gave her a sense of peace, and also the energy she was craving!

Stephanie loves teaching fun vinyasa style classes with uplifting music to help you feel both relaxed and rejuvenated! Her classes welcome all levels of ability, where the goal is always to help you feel your best from the inside, out! Whether it’s your first class, or you’ve been taking yoga for years, you will find your rhythm in these engaging, upbeat classes!

During the school year, Stephanie is also a second grade teacher, and uses yoga in her classroom to bring mindfulness and movement to her students. For the past six months she has been teaching yoga to her friends and family in a variety of Hatha and Vinyasa style classes. She received her 200hr YTT and children’s yoga certification two years ago, while staying home with her newborn son, to follow her true passion of guiding others on their path to living their best life!

In her spare time you can find her at the beach, going for walks on the boardwalk, and taking bike rides with her family. She looks forward to seeing you in her classes!

Yoga Nidra
Jennifer Chang
Yoga Teacher

Having worked in the health and healing profession for over 20 years, as an advanced Yoga and Meditation teacher, Occupational Therapist, and a board-certified Polarity Therapy Practitioner, Jennifer is always in awe of the body with its innate unbound potential. Jennifer’s teachings incorporate personal experience, and knowledge and techniques drawn from over 2000+ hours of training to facilitate physical and energetic alignment towards a state of homeostasis and health. Sattva.


Jennifer enjoys combining the more vigorous Vinyasa Flow and the quieter Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga to create a unique practice that works to release fascial, mental, and emotional tension, promote flexibility, focus the mind, and calm the nervous system. She loves witnessing her new students experience these benefits for the first time in her class!


“Yin and Meditate” is a newly designed class perfect for those wanting to learn how to meditate and reap all its benefits. In Yin and Meditate, Jennifer will gently guide her student to tap into an inner calm—a resource that, with consistent practice, could be accessible off the mat for easeful living. A life with less experience of stress and anxiety is just a practice away.


Jennifer moved to Brick, NJ from Park Slope, Brooklyn in 2019 to marry her husband, who is a native to the Shore and a percussionist extraordinaire. She loves life at the Jersey Shore and enjoys very much the opportunity to garden, stroll on the beach, and host deck parties!

Sound Healing
Danielle Gregor

Looking for a different type of workout after multiple knee surgeries, Danielle took her first yoga class in 2007, when beginning her undergraduate education. From the moment she stepped on her mat, she felt a sense of peace and connection to herself that she never expected, yoga quickly became her way of life. Danielle is now an experienced, certified 200HR Yoga Teacher and has completed numerous additional training certificates. Presently, Danielle is working toward completing her 500HR Vinyasa and 100HR Ashtanga training with the Pink Moon women! She also holds a multidisciplinary PHD in Cell Biology, Neuroscience and Physiology and is the founder of Bay House Garden and co-founder of Pink Moon Yoga and Wellness.


Danielle loves learning and has continued to be a diligent student herself so she can share her new experiences in practice with her students. To deepen her traditional yoga practice she is also a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and AFPA certified Mat Pilates instructor, she even plays the crystal bowls and harmonium. She has completed courses in meditation, chakra work, crystals, prenatal yoga, the art of Tarot, holistic nutrition, Ayurveda and TCM, to name a few. Danielle enjoys leading  fluid, organic classes with a focus on breath, safe alignment, and gentle but strong sequencing. She designs her classes to be a positive and encouraging environment, hoping  her students leave class feeling relaxed and stretched with open hearts. It is her mission to encourage you to honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within yourself.


When she’s not teaching yoga, Danielle works as a Clinical Application Manager, working with doctors to help patients receive personalized medicine. She loves spending time with her friends and family (and dog!). Aside from yoga, her favorite hobbies include cooking/baking, hiking, paddle boarding, camping, traveling and scuba-diving.

Warrior 2
Jenny Peña
Yoga Teacher

Searching for stress relief, Jenny discovered yoga while raising two daughters and spending many years as an elementary school counselor in underprivileged schools. A longtime devotee of meditation, she attended a weekend mindfulness retreat, where she first experienced the joy and power of yoga. Jenny was almost instantly struck by the way that yoga heals from within. She was especially drawn to the body/mind/spirit connection that yoga provides. Within a few months, she was a daily practitioner.


Since then, Jenny has completed her 200HR yoga teacher training, during an extraordinary experience at the Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico. She is also certified in Reiki Level 1 and Level 2. Jenny believes in creating a loving, empowering yoga environment for her students. Her goal is to help her students recognize and develop their inner light, wisdom and peace.


Jenny enjoys living near the ocean, traveling, hiking, spending time with her husband, friends and family and continuing her lifelong journey toward living a mindful, meaningful life.

Yoga Teacher
Renée DeMan
Yoga Teacher

Renée DeMan is a Certified Yoga Instructor from Karmalife Holistic Wellness. Her training was led by the amazing Louisa Durga Ma and Maura Fields. Renée likes to share that Yoga found her at a time when the universe was spinning way to fast and in too many directions. She is also a certified Ayurvedic Health Coach.


Devoted deeply to Yoga and Pilates, Renée finally feels empowered to allow the chaos of the world around her to guide her instead of holding her back.


Renée enjoys teaching many styles of Yoga, but truly finds connection with restorative, yin and gentle practices. She loves seeing her students melt into themselves, coming out of their practice relaxed, rejuvenated and re-centered after the hustle and bustle of their day.

Yoga Sculpt
Peg Rossi
Co-Founder / Teacher

Looking for a better stretching routine to complement her running regime, Peggy instantly recognized the countless healing benefits yoga had to offer her mind and body. After successfully completing her first half marathon in 2012, she realized that first yoga class had taken her so much further than  she ever would have imagined. While learning and growing on her mat, she began to find room in her life for other forms of fitness that she never explored before. She loved the mind body connection of Pilates and working the small muscle groups; the building blocks, so she completed a certification in mat Pilates through AAAI/ISMA in 2017 and The Physical Mind Institute in 2018.  She earned her 200HR Vinyasa Yoga certification in 2019 and continued her fitness education by completing both the spin and personal training certification through AAAI/ISMA in 2020.


She continues to study and practice with instructors from around the world to further her education and share her knowledge with her students and is working toward becoming a 500HR certified yoga teacher with an additional 100HRs in Ashtanga. She creates a safe, non-competitive space for her students to learn and grow and find deeper meaning and inspiration in their practice. 


Her classes offer creative sequences, emphasizing the importance of mind body connection, proper alignment, pranayama breathing techniques, mindfulness and mediation. Modification and advanced options are made available for new and experienced students so that all can reach their potential. She is honored to teach Pilates, yoga and HIIT, helping to bring balance, awareness, health and happiness into other’s lives. She enjoys her active lifestyle with her husband and 3 children, who inspire her everyday. 

Maura Fields
Yoga Teacher

Maura’s been teaching the sacred practice of yoga since 2013, and paddling the waters even beyond that. Bhakti trained, lover of nature, and teacher of mindful, fluid movements, with an equal measure of effort and ease.


Her classes are infused with humor, storytelling and chanting the names of the divine, while creating a safe space for all beings to come and do their personal work.


Maura started her journey when the waters got rough in her own life and she needed to learn how to move with the tides a change. She was in search of a deeper connection so that she can learn how to move and breathe with grace and equanimity.

Maura’s teachings are from the depths of her heart and she encourages freedom of expression. Each pose is a journey, a dance and an opportunity to be a creative force in this world.


200 certified hours with Kula Kamala (Swamini Shraddhananda Saraswati)


300 certified hours with Supersoul Yoga

(Raghunath Cappo)

Pigeon pose
Jeanann Doboris
Yoga Teacher

Through dancing, Jeanann discovered a love of movement. It first started as cross-training for her dance career, but quickly turned into an escape and passion. She has since used yoga as a form of therapeutic movement to not only ground and activate the body but also the mind. Combined with breath work and meditation, she used her practice as a source of healing for anxiety and depression.


During quarantine, she turned to yoga as a form of movement when
she could not dance and chose to dive deeper into the practice by completing her 200 HR YTT to not only learn more about the practice of yoga, but be able to share her knowledge with others.


Her practice ranges from power vinyasa to gentle hatha to restorative yoga and meditation. She continues to learn and deepen her practice every day and plans to share her joy to help others do the same!

Yoga Teacher
Sam Plackis
Yoga Teacher

Sam has been practicing yoga for over 6 years now! She almost immediately fell in love with the physical benefits of yoga but mainly the mental benefits. Yoga has been her safe space throughout a few difficult times in her life.


In 2020, Sam decided to go ahead and sign up for teacher training just to learn a little bit more about the practice and to strengthen her own. In 2021, she graduated and found she had a true love for teaching and bringing this peace she found from practicing yoga to others.

Laura Porcaro
Yoga Teacher

Laura Porcaro is an Integrated Health Practitioner facilitating pain and stress reduction. She utilizes practical, efficient methods that can be incorporated into daily routines with ease.

Laura brings over a decade of experience to her yoga classes including Kripalu certified 200 Hour Integrated Positional Therapy — including Yoga For Pain Relief — and a 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Certification from the Center For Health and Healing. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist yet focuses as a Practitioner, Presenter and Teacher of Positional Therapy — The Lee Albert Principle — as seen on PBS: 3 Steps to Pain Free Living. Laura teaches her interpretation of pain free yoga going after the root cause of pain and stiffness. She offers Positional Therapy private sessions at Pink Moon Yoga and Wellness as well.

In her spare time Laura is an avid gardener, nature lover, live music follower and pet sitter to her fury friends. Come visit her yoga class or schedule a Positional Therapy session as both will leave you relaxed, balanced and stretched!

Yoga Teacher
Gloria Hermo
Yoga Teacher

Gloria is a RYT-200 who hopes to provide a nurturing and safe space where you can feel comfortable to be yourself while exploring your body as it progress toward stability and strength through practice and patience.  As a licensed massage therapist for over 25 years she focuses on helping clients struggling with injuries offering modifications for their individual needs. She believes wholeheartedly that self care inspires a less stressed, happy, healthy way of life.  

Yoga Teacher
Tori Di Taranto
Yoga Teacher

Tori has been an artist and Art lover for as long as she can remember. Art, and all its forms, has the uncanny ability to move people. Ironically, for nearly 2 decades she has been moving Art. Quite literally: She manages the handling & shipping of fine artwork from Picassos to Warhols to Monets and more! She moves Art, but Art also moves her. She believes Art awakens something deep inside us that connects us with our innermost truth. 


She was drawn to Yoga for its stress-reducing ability and because of its similarities with Art. It, too, has the uncanny ability to move people. Whether you are the one practicing, creating, or observing – it’s a personal & unique experience every time. You might come back to the same pose (or the same painting) on a different day and have a completely different experience. Yoga, like a form of Art, unites the mind, body and soul.


Tori dove deeper into her yoga practice and is a 200-hr RYT, who completed her training here in Toms River! She went on to become a certified Barre Teacher, learning in the traditional Lotte Berk method. She continues to expand her knowledge in both areas, and enjoys incorporating a little art-talk into her classes. 


When she's not practicing yoga or shipping art, you can find her running along the beach, walking her pup Barkley, or loving all things from her alma mater, Penn State.

Yoga Teacher
Belle Burns
Yoga Teacher

Belle Burns is a 200 hour Toms River based yoga instructor. After finding solace in the practice during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she decided to take the next step in being able to share this healing practice with everyone. She has a deep personal study in metaphysics that she shares in workshops such as crystals, astrology, tarot, manifestation, and sound healing. She offers Astrology Natal Chart Readings, tarot and oracle card readings, and crystal bowl sound baths.


Being a library employee as her day job, she is always learning and loves to share that knowledge in a community setting. She is an advocate for sticking to the roots of yoga and incorporating its’ rich history and philosophy into class. She believes yoga is for every body of every walk of life, and that this practice would benefit anybody. When not working or teaching yoga, you can catch her out enjoying nature, thrifting, and being a student of life! 

Dancer Pose
Theresa Smith
Yoga Teacher

Theresa is a passionate yoga teacher who has been practicing yoga for many years. While working as an account manager for over a decade and winning multiple awards, Theresa realized she needed to follow a path of deeper self-exploration. Her love for yoga and desire to guide others on their journey of self-discovery led her to pursue teaching. Prior to teaching at studios, Theresa honed her skills by sharing her practice with family and friends. Last year, Theresa completed a 200-hour certification in Vinyasa, deepening her knowledge and commitment to her practice. Theresa brings her years of corporate experience to the mat, teaching with a unique perspective that emphasizes balance, mindfulness, and empowerment. Join her for a transformative yoga experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

Christina Leonhardt
Yoga Teacher

Called to a movement that feels natural to her, Christina began practicing yoga at age 19. She completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training in the summer of 2023. She is primarily trained in Hatha, as well as Vinyasa and Yin. For Christina, being on the mat is a commitment to the well being of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic bodies.

She is deeply passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with the community. In fact, Christina believes a major benefit of yoga is the sharing and fostering of community love. Community is one of her core values. During the pandemic, she enrolled in a graduate program and received her Master of Urban Planning. As an urban planner, she focusses on planning for women and youth, improving public spaces and access to nature, and engaging with communities to help them flourish and thrive.

In both urban planning and yoga, Christina aims to bring people together to heal, restore, and find balance. She welcomes you to her classes where you can feel safe, supported, and at peace!

Wheel Pose
Whitney Hwang
Yoga Teacher
While working through a tough time of transition in her life, Whitney found the yoga mat to be her safe space. Through her practice, she continues to learn more about herself and finds yoga to be a calming influence in her life. Wanting to share the benefits of yoga, she completed her 200 hour training in Hoboken in 2020 and another 300 hours in 2021. In addition to vinyasa, she also enjoys teaching yin and restorative classes. It's important for her to create authentic connections with people and values being able to create a class that can meet someone where they are. 
When not on the mat, you can find Whitney crunching numbers as an accountant, reading, gaming, spending time with her family and dog, and taking care of her plant babies.
Connect with Whitney on Instagram at @whitney.hwang.
SUP Yoga
Kim Stahl Corby
Yoga Teacher

Quietly suffering from anxiety, ADHD, chronic back pain, & autoimmune issues, Kim sought out practices that would invite more freedom in to her mind and body. Yoga offered her deep physical healing  along with  mental clarity aiding in focus, productivity, and over all a more balanced, joyful life. Kim felt like this practice enhanced her quality of life and knew she wanted to share this gift of yoga with her loved ones and her community. 


Kim obtained her 200-hour certification with Karma Life Holistic Wellness and 300-hour with Cathy Madeo. Kim is in the process of obtaining her 100 hr Trauma Informed certification through the prison project. 


Kim is also a passionate Ayurvedic practitioner, peristeam therapist, reiki level II,  sound healer level II and enjoys inviting these different modalities in to her teaching. 


Kim hopes to show her students that no matter your circumstances, all humans can benefit from the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits that yoga offers.

Visiting Teachers

Valerie Peña
Yoga Teacher
Yoga Teacher
Emma Mammano
Yoga Teacher
Sound Bowls
Dana Potts
Qi Gong Teacher
Untitled design - 2024-04-28T155430.703.png
Ali McGrath
Yoga Teacher
Liz Mulé
Yoga Teacher

Contact Us


(732) 838-7076


Private Studio within Brielle Public Library

610 South St. Brielle, NJ 08730



1776 Hooper Ave.  Suite 105 Toms River, NJ 08753

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